Intellectual Property

Thank you for your interest in being a client of Legalize-X

Embark on a journey of safe-guarding your intellectual property. In a world pulsating with innovation, securing your ideas and trademarks is a paramount, and we are here to Legalize it.

Why choose LegalizeX?

-Intelligent Trademark Search that is able to identify potential conflicts and optimize your trademark choices.

-Expert guidance amidst innovation, LegalizeX navigates the intricacies of intellectual property law within the dynamic landscape of innovation.



Full Name
Full Name



Trademark Infringement Case of (Insert Trademark name)

Where is your TradeMark Registered:
(name the country and/or region where your Trademark is register in)
Trademark Registered Form

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Trademark Owner Usage
Proof of Usage
Do you have a legal structure and/or License
Do you have a legal Address?
if yes
Have you ever provided a license (right of use of your Trademark) for any Individual or Legal entity?
Is the licensed Entity misusing the Trademark?
Have you previously taken any legal action towards the misusing entity?
Have you ever been represented by another firm for this issue?
If yes, kindly inform us about the previously taken action
Where is your trademark being used without license?
Under Same Classes
How long have the misusing entity infringing your Trademark?
Have you ever been convicted of, or charged with, a criminal offense?

The purpose of this initial consultation is to determine if our firm can assist you with your legal needs, to inform you about the services our firm provides, and to discuss the potential agreement for the provision of legal services and the formation of an attorney-client relationship. This initial consultation does not create an attorney-client relationship and does not mean our law firm will act as your legal counsel.


After the initial consultation, we will provide you with a written proposal, which will set forth the terms and conditions along with the professional fees and disbursements for our legal services. Upon receipt of the signed proposal by you, and the required fees amount, the required legal service procedure will commence.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby acknowledge that I have read the foregoing notice and understand that this law firm will not proceed with my Intellectual Property Case, unless a written proposal has been signed and the retainer amount is paid in full. All information entered on this intake form is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that in the event of any inaccuracies, any retainer amount paid is subject to forfeiture.